Sunday, 7 April 2013

Ski in the French Alps (photograph from Mageriaz)

I have been away for quite a few weeks......visiting family and friends in Paris and the French Alps and also doing some skiing in the magnificent French Alps in Savoie. That was simply wonderful and a very good way.
Now back at work but more importantly back in my studio where I started painting again. It took me some planning to get me going but I am now getting back into the enjoyable and sometimes frustrating process of oil painting. I am working on a painting at the moment that seems to be testing my abilities as a painter/artist. It is difficult to explain but it is a bit like a relationship. One must work at it to make it work and that is what I am doing at the moment. Luckily there will be a finished painting in the next few weeks.


  1. C'est comme si j'y étais !
    Après les fleurs,les portraits,les z'animos etc
    Maintenant les paysages!
    Peut importe les sujets tu es toujours aussi bon.
    Je suis fan de touà ,mais surtout des tes peintures.ENCORE,ENCORE !
    Bisoussss iodés.

  2. J'ai pris mon dictionnaire d'Anglais ,et je comprend que je me suis plantée dans le texte!
    Mais j'en suis sure, si cette photo est le modele de ton prochain tableau il n'y aura pas difference.
    Maintenant j'attend !
