Sunday, 14 October 2012


There she is.....beautiful Ella. She is such a wonderful and loving cat. She has just turned 15 years   old. What a sweetie! I am glad with this painting and it was a challenge. I think now, I will keep it like that with the grisaille and not worry about adding colours. Anyway, I am done and happy!


  1. Seigneur ! tout simplement magnifique....Pitifrère tu as bien plus que du talent, cette peinture est déjà magnifique en photo et j'ai hâte de la voir en réel à Adelaïde. Je comprends que tu sois heureux mais sois-en surtout très fièr et je suis certaine que votre Ella doit être tout aussi ravie de son portrait. Splendide !!!!!! Tu as mis du temps pour le faire, tu craignais de ne pas y arriver et le résultat est là.... peut-on caresser une "simple" toile ? si oui, je le fais de tout mon coeur.

  2. Je voulais te dire que j'aimerais glisser mes doigts dans sa fourrure tellement c'est réel.
    Je n'arrive pas à trouver mes mots pour te complimenter,je suis émue de cette merveille!

  3. "So quiet and peaceful nothing needs to be said. Lovely lovely...Ella."

  4. Vinayak Deshmukh30 October 2012 at 22:54

    "Wow! Beautifully rendered! Almost photographic! Great idea too. :)"

  5. I do think cats are under estimated, they certainly independent , Inthink your painting shows he is well loved
    and content with life. I love how much detail into his coat and the hair in his ears and that look on his face
    is so good. Glad you have decided to leave it and enjoy him as he is

  6. What a lovely painting of a clearly dear pet! Thanks for the chat at my market stall over the weekend - it was nice to meet you. Love Meg :)
