Sunday, 30 October 2011


Unfinished......well, as you can see, it is. I am still painting this little baby. As it is progressing slowly, I thought I would show you how the process goes. I am usually shy to show my paintings like that to anyone but perhaps someone is going to find this interesting. I used a rich red as my first layer. Once that layer is dry, I can start the painting with very thin paint. I then keep on building the layers from thin to thick paint. This is called fat over lean. I have a long way to go in order to finish this painting but this is what I love, the process of doing it......


  1. C'est quoi est-ce donc ? il va y avoir du rouge, ça je vous le dis !!!! Prends ton temps Pitifrère...laisse l'inspiration et les émotions te tu gagneras en superbe !

  2. Mama mia j'espere que tu n'as pas fait de betise ! mais qui caches tu la dessous?
    La surprise certainement,et elle sera tres bonne
    j'en suis sure.
    bisou d'Oleron
