Sunday, 29 May 2011

Me fatty

Apple! Jazz apple? Well, this is my latest oil painting. I had never seen a Jazz apple before in my life. I decided to go back to oil painting this week and tried to change the way I usually paint. I have been painting realistically with lots of blending in the past with multiple layers of paint, but not this time. This painting is done Alla Prima with no blending, just putting down the brushstrokes the best I possibly can. This has been more challenging than I thought, but fun at the same time. Anyway, more apples to come soon. Older paintings here for comparison.


  1. love your fruits, especially the pear... by the way do you feel like painting faces again? Ina

  2. something new is borning, t'as vu , je poetise meme in english, mais c'est vrai, c'est comme si quelque chose de neuf naissait, enfin c'est comme ça que j'y sens,
    toujours aussi surprenant my friend, bisousssssssssssssssss
